Portulans Institute and VinUniversity launch Vietnam Industry Innovation Research (VIIR) Report

June 14, 2023

The Vietnam Industry Innovation Research (VIIR) Report, Southeast Asia’s first comprehensive study on industry innovation, was officially launched on June 14, 2023 at the VIIR Conference, which brought together policymakers, industry leaders and academics to share insights on Vietnam’s national innovation ecosystem, and industry and organizational-level innovation. 

From left to right, Dr. Rafael Escalona Reynoso (CEO, Portulans Institute); Prof. Rohit Verma (Provost, VinUniversity); Dr. Le Mai Lan (President, VinUniversity); Soumitra Dutta (Dean of Saïd Business School, University of Oxford and Co-founder and President of Portulans Institute); Prof. Huynh Thanh Dat (Minister of Science and Technology); Dr. Hoang Minh (Director of Academy of Science, Technology, and Innovation); Prof. Phan Thi Thuc Anh (Associate Professor, VinUniversity)

About the VIIIR Project

The Vietnam Industry Innovation Research (VIIR) project, a joint initiative between VinUniveristy and the Portulans Institute, revolutionizes innovation evaluation by delving into not only the national ecosystem but also industry and organizational-level innovation. It recognizes that the elements of industrial innovation can typically be classified into two overarching categories: an economy’s comprehensive ecosystem, and the unique ecosystem of an individual organization. 

About the VIIIR Report

These two integral categories constitute the foundational structure of the analytical layers of the VIIR Report. The first section provides a comparative assessment of Vietnam alongside 17 other economies, offering a macro perspective that unveils the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities within Vietnam’s innovation ecosystem. This broad comparison sets the stage for a deeper understanding of Vietnam’s position in the global innovation landscape. The second section focuses on the findings derived from an extensive survey conducted among over 500 managers working in three key industries: hospitality, healthcare, and retail commercial lease. By delving into the unique ecosystems within these organizations, the report uncovers the crucial elements that constitute Vietnam’s innovation environment. These findings provide invaluable knowledge for future research endeavors, offering a rich source of data for further exploration and study. Beyond the academic sphere, these results hold significant value for policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders when crafting plans and policies to foster innovation and drive sustainable growth across the country. 

The report’s two-tiered approach, as well as the twofold analysis of inputs and outputs in productivity and readiness, makes it Southeast Asia’s first comprehensive study on industry innovation and the only one for Vietnam. Specific pillars being assessed in this study are Business Environment or Core, Technology, Human Capital, Leadership, and Business, Societal, and Environmental Innovation. During this first year of the study, organizations from the Healthcare, Hospitality, and Retail Commercial Leasing industries form part of the second category analysis.

VIIIR Conference

The launch event included a keynote address from Soumitra Dutta, Dean of Saïd Business School, University of Oxford and Co-founder and President of Portulans Institute, a presentation of the Vietnam Industry Innovation Research initiative, and a roundtable discussion with representatives from industry, academia, and civil society.


Download the official report here

Additional information about the VIIR project team members can be found here.

The Vietnam Industry Innovation Research (VIIR) is a joint initiative between VinUniversity and the Portulans Institute (PI). PI was co-founded by Professor Soumitra Dutta, Dean of the Saïd Business School at Oxford University, founder of the Global Innovation Index (GII), and a member of the VinFuture Prize Council. The project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of industry innovation for Vietnam.

VinUniversity is also an academic partner of the Global Innovation Index Academic Network.

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