Launch of the Global Innovation Index 2023


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The Global Innovation Index 2023 (GII) takes the pulse of global innovation trends against the background of an economic environment fraught with uncertainty. During the launch of the 16th edition of the GII, the state of global innovation will be discussed and the most innovative economies in the world will be revealed. The GII 2023 ranks the innovation performance of 132 economies, highlighting their innovation strengths and weaknesses, as well as gaps in innovation metrics.

 Since 2007, the GII has been an invaluable reference for countries wanting to develop new innovation and economic policy strategies and a tool for improving innovation metrics. 

 The GII is published by the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) partnership with the Portulans Institute, which is supported by Corporate Network partners, together with its Academic Network partners and the GII Advisory Board. 

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