Cross-sectoral perspectives on technology access in Brazil

August 15, 2023

Improving technology access requires a multifaceted approach. In this multi-part interview series engaging experts across industry, academia, law, government, and civil society, Portulans Institute Fellow Gabriel Souto explores the critical role of research and development in advancing technology and its accessibility to people in Brazil. The series delves into key topics including long-term planning in research and development, achieving continuity across administrations, and developing effective policy interventions that lower barriers to access and promote the inclusivity of marginalized voices in research and innovation. 


Part 1: Using global indices in policymaking
Bruno Lanvin, Co-editor of the Global Innovation Index and Network Readiness Index, Co-founder of Portulans Institute
Bruno Lanvin discusses why long term R&D planning looks different across sectors, how exactly global indices can serve as tools for government, industry, and individuals, adapting global best practices to local constraints, and the importance of considering social and political factors in technology and innovation policymaking.


Part 2: Regulatory frameworks for inclusive research and development (R&D)
Mariana Freitas, Government Relations Consultant at Seta Public Affairs Solutions
Mariana Freitas discusses efforts towards closing the digital divide in Brazil in order to integrate diverse voices into R&D, and the role of the public sector in improving technology access and regulatory frameworks.


Part 3: Ex-tariff mechanisms for increasing technology access
Maria Eduarda Milki, Partner, Barral Parente Pinheiro Advogados
The international trade of information and communication technology (ICT) products is important for modernizing and developing Brazilian industrial parks, and expanding technology access for businesses and citizens. Maria Eduarda Milki joins us to discuss how ex-tariff mechanisms can increase innovation, productivity, and competitiveness by means of improving access to new technologies.

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