WITSA Secretary General Dr. Jim Poisant Explains Why Championing ICT Development Is So Important

October 8, 2020

This is part of our Dialogue on Digital Transformation series, in advance of the upcoming 2020 Network Readiness Index. 

Dr. Jim Poisant is a globally renowned thought leader in digital transformation and ICT development, and has served as the Secretary General of the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) for over fifteen years. WITSA brings together 83 national ICT associations, with members representing most of the ICT industry. The World Congress on Information Technology, one of the world’s largest gatherings of innovators and entrepreneurs, is held annually.

In this interview, Poisant shares his ideas about bringing people and organizations together for conversations and conferences drawing on his experience convening the World Congress on Information Technology.

Poisant also outlines his vision of digital leadership in the age of COVID-19, commenting: “What governments need to do is put ICT at the core of every decision they make… The number one [priority] is to hire somebody that is going to champion ICT development in your country: someone who gets up in the morning and can’t wait to do the next thing in line with getting your country digitized, and getting your country into the digital age.”


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